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Friday, September 13, 2013

PvZ 2

Lately I addicted to PvZ2 , it actually indirectly carried a message for me . Those stars collecting required certain goal to be achieve , where I never thought that it can be a tough barrier to go to next levels , or in other words , I never know the game can be played this way , and I never know I can play it this way and at the end it isn't that tough as my first thought .

I don't know how much I really got , so I often set a goal that is easily to be achieved .
It might be cause by fear , Fear to lose , fear to fall , fear to fail .

Maybe I should really aim for all A on my A2 .. With 2 A* maybe ? Set a higher goal wont make me die .. it only make me lifeless :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013