i dunno wat happen to my result...
my total mark is 47x ,ave 61.xx my fren total 500 ave 71.xx
he - 11st place
me - 29th place
he 2 A , ?b ? c xD xE
me 2A 1B 1C 4DDDDDD
so i can accept...but wat happen to my average?
really no suang
maybe my self problem or i hav take chinese
so when recess
go canteen eatttttttttttttt
roti canai lucky i buy de last plate,then eat roti+hot dog 2gether d...+ milo ice...
walau like tat my 3 dollar fly le
then i see chia wen haha...my mood good bac le sikit...
but still...haiz...then see teacher fa**** at down stair i go toilet only dun care of her...after i come bac from toilet she still not yet bac class
tis call teacher huh?
haiz cin cai la i can slp at class more good
ah...i oso dunno wat i'm saying about...jus sooo boring
pmr "try er" coming soon
10 months ago